Device list

    First page on Devices tab contains a list of all devices and a search/filter bar. Devices are ordered by joining time. The newest one are added at the top of the list. When a new device is added, a discovery process is initiated and the Houseper Controller begins to communicate with the device till collect full information about it and configure if needed. Devices in discovering mode are at the top of the list and will not be moved down until discovery process completes successfully. Devices that do not support the full Zigbee specification may never be successfully discovered. This will be indicated and they can be removed from the system or you can retry to discover them.

    Each device is displayed in the list with the  most important properties depending of its type.

device item

  1. Button or image depends of the device type.
    • Button - If the device supports any of the following functionality: On/Off,  Zone, Door Lock, Thermostat, etc., a blue button will be displayed with an image indicating the type of the device. The button color indicates the status of the device. When the color is saturated, this indicates on/active state, and when it is pale/transparent - off/inactive. When you press the button, the device changes its status from on/active to off/inactive and vice versa, depending of the current state.
    • Image - If the device can not be controlled from the list of devices, there will be display a gray-colored image, suggestive to the device type
  2. Device name
  3. Room of the device
  4. Alarms Indications
  5. Additional information and/or control depending of the device type.
  6.     For all devices with a Zone and/or Zone control functionality, only alarms for that functionality are displayed as additional information. This of course does not exclude the presence of other alarms that will be indicated in the "Alarms indications".

        Gray-colored alarms show the current status of the device when it is not active. They are not reflected in the Alarms tab, they do not cause notifications but are added to the registry.

  7. Info button - to switch to Detailed information of the device.

Undiscovered devices

undiscovered device

  1. Indication for undiscovered device
  2. Additional information
  3. Discovery button – restarts the process for device discovering

Search/filter bar

    The search/filter bar is just above the list of devices.

search filter bar

  1. Indicates number of devices shown, relative to the total number of devices
  2. Filtering/search field - search in the name and room of the device
  3. Filter button - showing all devices or filtered only.

    In the case of an active filter, devices marked as hidden will not be displayed.