
    Electricity in the Home tab shows cumulative statistics and graphs over a period of time for all main electrometers. Ability to view data by tariffs and/or total as well as electricity or cash equivalents.

energy statistic

    Days and periods are calculated based on the time zone of the Controller.

    All devices belonging to the system and supports "Consumption metering" functionality can be configured as a main electrometer. This is usually a device (for example, a prime electricity meter) that stays at the entrance to your property's electricity net, but there could be more devices (sockets, couplers, etc.) which total consumption value gives you the total.

    When changing the configuration from a main to a local electrometer and vice versa, the statistics accumulated so far do not change.

    The electricity consumed and its cash equivalent are calculated on the basis of the information entered in Electricity Pricing, the Settings tab of Houseper application. If no data are available for the reporting periods and the corresponding prices, statistics can not be accumulated and the graph will be empty and/or the amount will be not calculated.

    Adding a power measure device and if no data exists in Electricity Pricing a dialog will be displayed to enter the required periods and price information.


Electricity pricing

    It contains two lists of corresponding prices and periods. There is an  add button in the title bar of each list, with which future price and period changes can be entered. Data entered for past periods can not be changed or deleted.

Electricity pricing list

  1. Period for which the prices will be up-to-date. It can contains a start and an end dates or just a start date after which it will be active until a subsequent period is set which will set the end date for the current one.
  2. Price per kWh for day electricity consumption
  3. Price per kWh for night electricity consumption
  4. Price per kWh for peak electricity consumption

Charging periods list

  1. Period for which entered electricity charging periods will be up-to-date. It can contains a start and an end dates or just a start date after which it will be active until a subsequent period is set which will set the end date for the current one.
  2. A line with entered electricity charging periods - the image shown has three periods:
    • from 00: 00h to 06: 00h - night time
    • from 06: 00h to 22: 00h - day time
    • from 22: 00h to 24: 00h - night time

    When adding a new period (button ) use the black sliders marked with 2 at the bottom picture or select the value you want to change (marked with 1 at the bottom picture) - an additional dialog will open for a precise time selection.

  1. end of the period - the beginning of the period is the end of the previous one or 00:00h if this is the first period. At the same time, it is also a button that allows you to make changes.
  2. sliders for end-of-period configuration
  3. buttons to add a new period - when active they are colored in the corresponding of the period color. In order for one of these buttons to be active it must be different from the last entered period and the end of the last period is before 24:00h
  4. delete the last period button 

    When the period bar is full till 24:00h they can be added.