Smart phone connection

    The initial connection of a smartphone/tablet to the controller can only be done if the two devices are located in the same network.

  1. from the controller: Select a  Remote control in the Settings tab of the Houseper application and make sure that your Local access is enabled and running
  2. from the smartphone/tablet: Download Houseper mobile application from Google Play and install it on your smartphone/tablet.
  3. from the smartphone/tablet: Start a Houseper mobile app and make sure your phone is connected to the same network as the controller.
  4. from the smartphone/tablet: Select a  Remote control in the Settings tab of the Houseper mobile application.
  5. from the smartphone/tablet: The phone application will scan your network to find an active Houseper Controller. Once found he will show it. (In some cases this may take some time)
  6. from the controller: Select Bind smartphone/tablet
  7. from the smartphone/tablet: Select Register from your phone for your controller
  8. from the controller: Your controller will ask for a confirmation to connect your smartphone/tablet. Confirm a connection by selecting Yes
  9. from the smartphone/tablet: Finalize the process from your smartphone by selecting the type of remote connection you accept for auto-connect - Remotely via WiFi connection and/or Remotely via mobile(3G/4G) connection.

Remote control (Houseper app)

     Remote control of the Houseper app handles for connecting mobile devices to the controller. Here is the initial registration of mobile devices, permission settings and access control. There are two types of access:

  • local - when the mobile device and the controller are connected directly without using of a remote server
  • remote - when the mobile device and the controller are connected via a remote server

Authorized devices

    This section contains a list of all authorized mobile devices and the button  Bind smartphone/tablet that initiates the initial authorization.

    Each authorized device is displayed with:

  1. name - when the device is connected, the name is in green
  2. Android number - unique mobile device ID
  3. Remote access marker - allows/disables the connection of the mobile device to the controller, both locally and remotely. A very useful option to temporarily restrict access to a particular mobile device.
  4. Send notifications option - Enable/disable notifications to the corresponding mobile device
  5. Remove device button - permanently removes the device from the list of authorized mobile devices and it can no longer connect to the controller. To recover the access of an removed device, it needs to be authorized from the beginning according to the above-described initial connection instructions.

Local access

    Allows you to directly connect a mobile device to the controller without using a remote server. For this purpose, the mobile device and the controller must be in the same network.

  1. enable/disable local access
  2. general information of local access. Contains:
    • controller name
    • connection port
    • current status
  3. Edit button - allows you to change the name and port. Entering a value of 0 for a port means that the port will be chose automatically

Remote access

    Enables connection to the controller from mobile devices via a remote server. This ensures uninterrupted access to the system, no matter where the mobile device is located and how far it is away from the controller.

  1. enable/disable remote access
  2. general information of remote access. Contains:
    • remote server
    • port on which he listens to the remote server
    • current status
  3. reset button - reinitialize the connection


    Selecting the "autostart hotspot" option in the Hotspot section forces the startup of a configured Hotspot (if any) when the controller is restarted.

Remote control (Houseper mobile app)

     Remote control of Houseper mobile application handles of connecting the mobile device to the controller.

Configured network

    This section contains information about the controller to which the mobile application is currently connected or trying to connect.

  1. connection indicator. It may look like:
    • as shown in the picture - when the mobile device is connecting.
    •  - when the mobile application is locally connected to the controller
    •  - when the mobile application is connected to the controller via a remote server
  2. controller name
  3. disconnect button
  4. When a successful connection is made, an  info button is displayed giving access to the detailed information - the ability to reconfigure the connection options and delete the connection. Once deleted the connection can be restored only by re-authorizing the mobile device again.

    The Houseper mobile app has a current connection indicator button located in the upper control bar (upper right corner of the application). The connectivity indicator may indicate no connection, connecting, local connection, remote connection. The indicator button provides a quick link to Remote control, the Settings tab.

Choose a network...

    This section contains a list of all available controllers. Two controllers can be seen on the picture below. The first is a controller that we have already registered and can be connected at any time, and the second one is unavailable until we register by performing the initial connection procedure.

  1. controller name
  2. remote connection button - has an active and inactive status indicating the ability to connect remotely
  3. local connection button - has an active and inactive status indicating the ability to connect locally
  4. Registration button - part of the initial smartphone connection procedure, described above
  5. info button - gives access to detailed information, the ability to reconfigure the connection options and delete the connection. Once deleted the connection can be restored only by re-authorizing the mobile device again.

Add manually

    This button allows you to connect to a controller by manually entering IP and port.